The position openings have been updated as of 9/12/2024Please check if open before you hit submit.Take a look at the positions and times on the right, and then make your preference choices (1st, 2nd & 3rd choices) below so we know where you would like to be placed. Be sure you choose the times you would like to volunteer as well.
Positions fill quickly, so all positions might not be available when you sign up. We will do the best to give you your requested positions and times.
All shifts are a MINIMUM of 2 hrs.
No Volunteers under 10
Carver Set-up Outside
Set-up Inside Volunteer Assignment Volunteer Check-in
Beverage Station Kitchen Name Tags - Guests Transportation
Kitchen Seating Team
Silverware Transportation
Beverage Station Bus Team Food Runner Host/Hostess Table Coordinator Table Server Volunteer Assignment Volunteer Check-in
Beverage Station Name Tags - Guests Transportation
Kitchen Seating Team Transportation
Beverage Station Bus Team Food Runner Host/Hostess Silverware Table Coordinator Table Server Transportation
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