Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Thursday, November 28th

It is our pleasure to announce that there will be an Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner at Hudson’s Seafood House on the Docks.

Join fellow islanders for the Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner at Hudson’s Seafood House on the Docks on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. The event is sponsored by St. Andrew By-The-Sea United Methodist Church and Hudson’s Seafood House on the Docks, located off Squire Pope Road on Skull Creek.

Please check back often or go to our Facebook page for updates.

We look forward to serving you.

Giving Thanks

A Little History

The Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner in Hilton Head Island, SC celebrates the best-ever free community family-style dinner, with over 400 volunteers serving more than 1600 guests.
Giving Thanks

The Benefactors

This dinner not only provides a Thanksgiving meal to those not able to serve one themselves, but it also provides help to needy families throughout the year with The Deep Well Project and Bluffton Self Help.
Giving Thanks

Founding Partners

This wonderful day could not happen if it weren't for our founding partners and hosts, giving their day and their love to this project – St. Andrew By-The-Sea United Methodist Church and Hudson's Seafood House on the Docks.
Giving Thanks


This event is organized by St. Andrew By-The-Sea United Methodist Church and Hudson's Seafood House on the Docks. Donations in the true spirit of Thanksgiving are greatly appreciated. All donations on the day of the event will go to The Deep Well Project, Second Helpings, and Bluffton Self Help. Transportation can also be arranged if needed.

And we invite you to volunteer! Click Here to go to the VOLUNTEER PAGE. NO VOLUNTEERS UNDER 10 YRS. OF AGE. Or make a donation by mail or drop off at:  St. Andrew By-The-Sea United Methodist Church, 20 Pope Avenue, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928. (Make note on your check – "Community Thanksgiving Dinner.")


Our Thanksgiving Menu